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Sir. Bartholomew XVII

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Everything posted by Sir. Bartholomew XVII

    Old ass leak, you are almost 4 years late.
    • Version 1.0.0
    I worked briefly for this retard and he treated me like shit despite being the best scripter he has ever had. Thomas12345CZ (925555237) the ā€œlead scripterā€ or whatever canā€™t even fucking script. He just copy and pastes scripts from other uncopylocked mano county games. EASTERNXZ (36946398) is more chill but even then heā€™s still incredibly impatient. He would get irritated when he wanted me to go script something. When told I am at work or I am busy heā€™d get mad. Both treat their developers like absolute dogshit. If you want more up 2 date stuff you can saveinstance the main game: 7533528186 I believe this game file itself can be sold for like 200$. Eastern got this file from SOELHOXHA (696026406) Enjoy the free file, dickheads deserve to get their shit leaked.

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