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🎉 ATTENTION: Post 10 quality assets for a chance of Platinum. This is limited time.


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  1. TMinus30Seconds commented on Unknown's comment on a file in Military
    Imagine selling leaked assets.
  2. TMinus30Seconds reviewed ku3749's review on a file in Models
    Doesn’t work. I clicked the downloaded Studio thing, nothing happens.
    Nice. We need more DDR East Germany stuff.
  3. I can’t find any good for sale shit so I’m just gonna list what I can’t find and need access to. Working Japanese vehicles of all types, Working Japanese Police vehicles including ones with raiseable lightbars etc. Working Ambulance and Firetrucks. With Working emergency lights and sirens (Anything works) Japanese Military if there is any, (Japanese Defense Force vehicles, helicopters, planes)(Maps either bases or training locations) Japanese City maps, towns, villages, etc. Anime looking towns? Sure. Tokyo, Or any Japanese location big or small, a small town works, anything nice or whatever

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